According to NASA’s Lunar Exploration Database, of the 111 lunar explorations in the last 70 years, 62 were successful, 41 were unsuccessful, and 8 were partially successful.
On July 14, India launched its third lunar exploration mission, Chandrayaan-3, with the aim of soft-landing on the surface of Earth’s only natural satellite. A successful landing would make India the fourth country to achieve this rare feat, after the United States, China and the former Soviet Union.
According to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the technically demanding lunar soft landing that Chandrayaan 2 was unable to achieve is scheduled for 5:47 pm on August 23.
Former ISRO chairman G. Madhavan Nair said the success rate for lunar missions is almost 50% because it is uncertain when the rocket will leave the Earth’s gravitational field. “The effects of the sun on other planets are enormous. There are many radiation conditions in space, making some devices and components prone to failure. issue), we have achieved just that,” said Niall to PTI on July 14. “Orbiting the Moon.” From 1958 to 2023, India, as well as the United States, the Soviet Union (now Russia), Japan, the European Union, China, and Israel will also launch orbiters, landers, and flybys. ), launched various lunar exploration missions. As can be seen from the data from Moonflyby.
The first lunar mission, Pioneer 0, was launched by the United States on August 17, 1958, but failed. That same year, the Soviet Union and the United States launched six more missions, all of which failed.
Luna 1, launched by the Soviet Union on January 2, 1959, was a partial success. It was also the first “moon flight” mission. The Ranger 7 mission, launched by the United States in July 1964, took the first close-up photo of the Moon. The first lunar soft landing and images of the lunar surface were obtained from Luna 9, launched by the Soviet Union in January 1966. Five months later, in May 1966, the United States successfully launched a similar mission called Surveyor 1. The Apollo 11 mission in July 1969 was a landmark expedition, the first time humans set foot on the moon. The three-man mission was led by Neil Armstrong.
From 1958 to his 1979, only the United States and the Soviet Union initiated lunar exploration. During these 21 years, both countries have conducted 90 such space expeditions. The next decade was a lull, with no lunar exploration from 1980 to 1989. Japan, the European Union, China, India and Israel lagged behind. In January 1990, Japan launched an orbiting satellite, Hiten. This was also Japan’s first lunar exploration. Japan then launched another orbiting satellite mission with her Selene in September 2007. From 2000 to 2009, six lunar exploration missions were conducted: Europe (Smart-1), Japan (Selene), China (Chang’e-1), India (Chandrayaan-1), and the United States (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and LCCROSS). was broken.
Since 1990, the US, Japan, India, the European Union, China and Israel have collectively launched 21 lunar missions.