“There is absolutely no doubt that India has arrived… India has arrived,” said Arvind Panagariya, former vice-chairman of NITI Aayog. “When Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke in the US Congress, there was a lot of buzz…No other leader has a buzz like this.”
The former head of a government think tank has likened India’s G20 presidency to a complicated marriage. “It will be difficult for other countries to replicate what India achieved at the G20 summit,” he told Moneycontrol. A new friend in the African Union
Panagariya noted that the inclusion of the African Union in India’s G20 presidency will help advance the country’s agenda on the global stage. According to Panagariya, who was also India’s G20 Sherpa in the past, the ministries would convey what they did not want in the leaders’ statements, but the scenario has changed.
“Africa is a continent of 55 countries, however, only South Africa is part of the G20 bloc, while the European Union is fully represented. Participation in this bloc will advance the G20 agenda. India’s development. This will help gain a friend during the negotiations,” he said. speak. . Closer ties with the United States
India today is in the spotlight due to its economic development and many geopolitical factors. “Diplomatic relations between India and the United States have grown faster under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi,” he said. Prime Minister Modi has good relationships with world leaders.” Panagariya noted that the United States could have helped India reach a consensus among other countries on the G20 leaders’ statement.
Declaration of war in Ukraine
Panagariya noted how India tried to strike a fair balance between Russia and the rest of the world through the terms of the joint statement without disrupting New Delhi’s growing trade relationship with Moscow defied growing pressure from the West to criticize Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. “This statement couldn’t be better for Russia,” Panagariya said. Most of the complaints about this statement come from the West, on the grounds that it affects the sides in the war in Ukraine.”
Focus on the Global South
Panagariya noted that the G20 leaders’ statement focused on the global South and India’s role was clear in reaching consensus on the issue. “When I was Sherpa, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries were trying to take over the declaration and become the G20 secretariat. However, the current situation has changed.”
He noted that the focus on the Global South is expected to continue in the next G20, as the chairmanship of the group will be held by developing countries such as Brazil and then South Africa hold. Talking about India’s message during its G20 presidency, he said: “This is a great example of democracy and a developing country has held the presidency very successfully. India has held together despite being a relatively low-income country. »