AVG Logistics gains 2%; Sixth Sense India Opportunities offloads stake

Shares of AVG Logistics were trading 1.6% higher on NSE on September 15. A day earlier, on September 14, Sixth Sense India Opportunity 11 sold 10.69% stake in the logistics company . At 10 am, the stock was trading at Rs 264.50, up from yesterday’s closing price of Rs 251.65.
According to bulk trading data, Sixth Sense India Opportunity 11 sold 96,904 shares of AVG Logistics through open market transactions at an average price of Rs 255.57 per share and 11,62,477 shares at The average price was Rs 246.16 per share. The average price was Rs 246.16 per share. The 10.69% stake is worth Rs 31.09 crore. Previously, Sixth Sense India Opportunity 11 held 21.4% stake in the company. On the same day, India Emerging Giants Fund Limited (Multi Opportunity), India Emerging Giants Fund and Blue Lotus Capital Multi Bagger Fund II bought 6 lakh shares or 5.09% stake in the company at an average price of Rs 246 each. share.
For the quarter ended June 2023, AVG Logistics reported a rise in net profit to Rs 2.53 crore from Rs 0.04 crore in June 2022. During the same period, the company reported a 3-crore increase in net revenue .5% over the same period last year. 100.34 Rs. AVG Logistics is a New Delhi-based logistics company providing transportation and warehousing facilities. It also offers many additional services such as customs clearance as well as equipment and container rental.