PM Modi, Biden to hold bilateral meeting in Delhi on Sept 8

US President Joe Biden will travel to India next week for the G20 summit and will hold a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 8 on the sidelines of the historic meeting, the White House announced.
India, the G20 chair, will host world leaders attending the summit scheduled for September 9-10 in New Delhi. The White House announced at the summit that Mr. Biden would praise Mr. Modi for his leadership at the G20.
“On Thursday, September 7, the President will travel to New Delhi, India for the G20 Leaders Summit. On Friday, the President will participate in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” the White House said in its statement. weekly. ahead of the President’s plan released on September 1. “On Saturday 9 September and Sunday 10 Sept mber, the President will participate in the G20 Summit, where he and his G20 partners will discuss a range of joint efforts to address global issues. needs, including the clean energy transition and the fight against climate change. They will also mitigate the economic and social impact from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine and enhance the ability of multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, to fight poverty well. including addressing global challenges, the White House said.
In New Delhi, the President will also welcome Prime Minister Modi’s leadership in the G20 and reaffirm the United States’ commitment to the G20 as a premier forum for economic cooperation. economy, including the organization of this conference in 2026”. The G20 or Group of 20 is an intergovernmental forum that brings together the world’s major developed and developing economies. Members represent about 85% of global GDP, more than 75% of global trade, and about two-thirds of the world’s population. After the G20 summit in Delhi, Biden will travel to Hanoi on September 10.
“In Hanoi, the president will meet with General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other key leaders to discuss ways to further deepen US-Vietnam cooperation,” he said. innovation-driven economy, expanding people-to-people ties through educational exchanges and workforce development programs, combating climate change, and promoting peace and prosperity prosperity and stability in the region,” the White House statement read.